Request, refers to any HTTP request made by the WP Data Sync API.
Stage Data
Stage Data request is any request made to obtain data from your remote API or file upload.
Sync Data
Sync Data request is any request made to sync data to your remote website.
Accelerated Sync
Accelerated Sync request is any sync request to sync accelerated data to your remote website.
Stage Order
Stage Order request is any request made to your remote website to obtain WooCommerce order data.
Sync Order
Sync Order request is any request made to sync your order data with any order management system.
Check Version
The Check Version request obtains the WP Data Sync plugin version from the remote website. This request is designed to verify the remote website is live and working before it sends important data to the website. In addition, the WP Data Sync API uses the plugin version to insure the data is sent to the website in the correct format.
Geocode request is any request made to obtain coordinates from the Google GeoCode API.