Search WooCommerce price from an array of arrays. In this example we have multiple arrays of data. We search for the array that contain a certain value. Then, we obtain the price from that array. Add this code snippet to your themes functions.php file. NOTICE: Requires WP Data Sync plugin version 2.1.1 or higher. SampleRead More
Code Examples
Filter ItemRequest SQL to Include Posts with Specific Terms
Filter the ItemRequest SQL statement to only include a post type object with specific terms. Add this code snippet to your themes functions.php file. Code Example Get Started
Filter WooCommerce SKU Value by Replacing Text
This filter will replace the _sku value by replacing a portion of the text string. Code Example Get Started
Filter WordPress Post Title
Filter a portion of the post title to replace specific characters. Add this code snippet to your themes functions.php file. NOTE: When string replacing HTML Entries, it is best practice to use the appropriate HTML Entity code. Code Example Products
Filter WooCommerce Backorder Status Based on Stock Quantity
If you are syncing inventory from your POS to your WooCommerce store you understand the importance of the correct backorder status. WP Data Sync plugin it packed with action hooks and filters to make this an easy customization. In the code example below, we are setting the backorder status based on the stock quantity provided by your data source using the wp_data_sync_{$meta_key}_value filter.Read More